This is a visualization of how a future coastline might be created keeping in mind the needs of some of the most vulnerable places on earth-the Small Island Developing States or “SIDS”. Depicted here is floating reef system which grows its own calcium carbonate structure made with an innovative sustainible technology called biorock powered with solar energy. The design was created imagining functionality as well as beauty the floating reef system habitat for sustanible fish farming, coral regeneration and shoreline protection, in addition this illistration depicts algae for super fuel, desalination units and floating greenhouses.
It was first displayed in conjunction with “GCRA” or The Global Coral Reef Alliance or GCRA” at the United Nations in 2011 and was published in a chapter contributed to in a book Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration edited by Tom Goreau, CRS Press 2013
Some incredible news as well the Global Coral Reef Alliance has recently signed a collaboration agreement with SIDS! Check out the link below!