Art Director: Calamara Productions
Director: Geotherapy Institute of Art and Field Science
On a Mission to infuse and poetry into the field sciences
- Aspen Institute Leadership Seminar-Scholarship Aspen, CO 2012
- San Francisco Art Institute: MFA, San Francisco, CA, Double Degree in Sculpture & New Genres, 1997
- Oberlin College: BFA, Oberlin OH, Art History & Studio Art, 1992
- Indonesian Biorock Course: Reef Restoration & Costal Zone Restoration, Gili Trawangan, Lombok Indonesia, 2006
- Pilchuck Glass School, Glass Casting Washington 1997
- Apprentice to Artist Niki de Saint Phalle 1989
- ArtWaves, A Two Week Workshop combining Art and Field Science, “Foray’s Into the Microscopic World of the Maine Coast” Bar Harbor Maine, Summer 2017
- Saint Joseph’s College, Artist Residency and Teaching Workshop, “Making the Invisible Visible:Microscopy and Art” Long Island NYC, 2015
- Eugene Lang College The New School, Adjunct Professor in Environmental Art Designed & Taught Class “The Art of Urban Oyster Restoration”-2008-2012
- Art Researches Science “ARS”: Collaborator and contributor to the founding of an International Masters degree program in conjunction with the University of Antwerp, Belgium 2010-current
- Corcoran Museum of Art, Visiting Artist Lecture Series & Tutorials, Fall 2006
- Rhode Island School of Design, Adjunct Professor, created a cross disciplinary class between sculpture and digital media, entitled “Rapid Prototyping, From the Digital to the Real”, 2004
- San Francisco Art Institute, Sculpture Department & New Genres Department, Teacher’s Assistant, 1996-7
- The Smithsonian National Museum for Museums of the Caribbean, National Museum of Trinidad & Tobago Museum, Port of Spain, Trinidad, Teacher’s Assistant, Sculpture and Mold making workshop, 1996-99
- Radiolarian Skeleton, Explorer’s Club Head Quarters: Mixed Media Sculpture depicting the delicate three dimensional skeleton of a single celled radiolarian, the most plentiful unicellular plankton on the planet, at 96,000 X’s magnification hangs from the top floor rafters of the trophy room on the top floor of the Club, New York, New York 36″X36″ 2019
- Homologous Hope, University of Pennsylvania Hospital Bassar Research Center atrium designed by architect Rafael Viñoly Philadelphia, PA. The sculpture depicts the BRAC2 and is created for the Basser Research Center illustrates how a healthy cell repairs DNA that causes breast, ovarian and prostate cancers. Current
- Gill Reef, On going Experiment in conjunction with New York New Jersey Baykeeper, New York, NY, 2009-Current
- The Electric Oyster Experiment/Transcriptease in conjunction with Global Coral Reef Alliance, New York, NY, 2007-current
- Water Molecule Dream Catcher -19th annual Potomac Watershed Clean Up Spring, 2007
- SARS Inhibited: Winner of large-scale sculpture commission for permanent sculpture in the central courtyard of Biopolis One- North, Singapore; an international biotech campus designed architect Zaha Hadid. The sculpture was created from sub-molecular data, which was discovered by an international team of scientists as a method for stopping the virus from catalyzing. Singapore, 2006.
- Estrogen Molecule Award: Created Award Sculpture for “The Society for Women’s Health Research, Medtronics Science Innovation Award.” The award was designed using molecular data to accurately depict the estrogen molecule. The award was presented along with an $80,000.00 cash prize to a leading female scientist for outstanding scientific achievement. Washington, DC, 2006.
- Lipid Love Starring Rhodopsin as Visual Purple: Winner of Iowa State Building Prize for 1% of building budget for the University of Northern Iowa McCollum Science Hall; a campus science building devoted to science education. This large–scale sculpture was mounted in the atrium and depicts the chemical reaction, which creates sight in the retinal membrane of the eye. Cedar Falls, Iowa, 2005.
- Follicle Stimulator Hormone: Commissioned by Serono Inc digitally sculpted sculpture of the “Follicle Stimulator Hormone“, a protein used in fertility drugs. Geneva, Switzerland, 2004.
- Waltz of the Polypeptides: Designed and project–managed large– scale, outdoor, 84 foot long sculpture. The sculpture was based on a sub molecular data depicting the birth of a protein using three Dimensional computer programs, which were manifested, in a variety of traditional and technological methods. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Long Island, NY, 2003.
- Human Genome Sciences Main Campus: Won first place in competition held by ‘The National Association of Industrial and Office Properties’ for design of Human Genome Sciences Inc. Headquarter Building. This was collaboration with the architectural firm, Davis Carter Scott. The concept and shape of building were based on a wave whose mirrored surface reflected the colors in the sky. Rockville, MD, 2001.
- V.I.P. Life Time Coney Island Mermaid Winner Coney Island Mermaid Parade Float, designed and project managed float, costumes and choreography for float, Brooklyn NY 1998.
- Blueprints to Save the Planet: 1 Coral Reefs: Exploring the Art of Sustainable Reef Restoration, The New York Academy of Sciences, A 20 year ‘retro-future-spective focusing on the Art and Design of Reef making that does not utilize plastic or concrete, New York, New York June 8th 2024-Current
- The Rococo Cocco Reef Launch Automatic Studios, Brooklyn, NY June 2019
- Supernatural-Futurenatural, Tatiana Pages Gallery, NY, NY 2015
- St. Joseph’s College, Rose: The Astrangia Coral Polyp from Cape Cod, Long Island, NY 2015
- agnès b. gallery “La Boheme: A Portrait of Our Oceans in Peril,”, 50 Howard St, NY, NY March 9th-20th 2013 The Opening night included a live opera performance! 2013
- Explorers Club“La Boheme: A Portrait of Our Oceans in Peril,” February 2012 Unveiling 2012
- Science and Innovation Week, Mexico City “Selected Works” Mexico City, Mexico October 2009
- Aronson Gallery and Project Space: “The Ultimate Urban Oyster Reef”, in conjunction with Lang and Parson Students May 2009
- The New School & Harlem river Urban Ecology Center, The Meandering Oyster Midden, January & February 2009
- SkyBridge at The New School for Social Research, Excerpts from ‘GAIA’S DREAM’ upcoming April 2008 NY, NY
- The Museum of Medicine and History, “Estrogen Tales: The Untold Story of Nine Molecules and How They Bonded...”Washington, DC, October 2007-March 2008
- Deutches Museum,“ Selected Flat Work” Munich, Germany, 2007
- The Magic Theatre/ Arthur P. Sloan Foundation, “Art Science and Creative Thinking,, San Francisco, CA, 2009
- Aquatic Creations, Brooklyn, NY, 2004
- DC Convention Center, Bio Expo. “Waltz of the Polypeptides “Washington, DC, 2003
- Muckenthaler Cultural Center, “Waltz of the Polypeptides” Fullerton CA, 2003
- La Grande expedition: Tara, l’art et la science pour relever L’Ocean, A large retrospective encompassing last 20 years of Tara Ocean Foundation’s Artist in Residency Program at Sea, Cent Quatre #104Paris Paris, France November 16th 2024-March 2nd 2025
- Anatomy and Beyond II: Exhibition and Conference : The exhibition was A group of 13 Contemporary Artists with live performances who work in the realm of Anatomy installed in London’s famous “Old Operating Theatre and Herb Garret” where medical students would observe anatomical dissections and has an extensive collection of medical instruments curated by Pascale Pollier October 2rd-december 16th 2024 in conjunction with a two day conference and symposium in collaboration with MAA/AEIMS/ARSIC Symposium Hosted by the Gordan Museum of Pathology, & The Royal college of Surgeons London, England Oct 3rd & 4th 2024
- Oceans Week 2024 At the Explorers Club: The Meandering Midden-Pop Up, and Historical topogrqaphical map of where the Lenape had their Middens-June 2024
- “Where the Water Goes?” Sculpture and Flatwork for a Group Exhibition at RoCa: Rockland Center for the Arts , West Nyack, NY October 14th 2023-May 30th 2024
- Oceans Week 2023 At the Explorers Club: The Rococo Reef and debut of NEW prototypes for Cuba reef restoration with The Ocean Foundation June NYC, 2023
- Anatomy and Beyond : AEIMS conference and exhibition of 6 artists , Universitas Rigensis Stradina Museum Anatomae, Riga Latvia August 25th 2021- January 15th 2022
- PeaceBoat Climate Week NYC 2021-Group Exhibition of “Rose” Series and Student Poem and Screening of Short “Enchanted Star Sand” & Tara Ocean Foundation “Microbiome” for Climate Week in conjunction with United Nations, Selenia Hotel Chelsea NYC September 23rd 2021.
- PeaceBoat Ocean Week 2021-Group Exhibition and Screening of Short “The Rococo Cocco Reef” for Ocean Week in conjunction with United Nations Selenia Hotel Chelsea NYC June 8th 2021
- Oceans Week 2019, Explorer’s Club Headquarters, NY, NY June 2019
- PeaceBoat Ocean Week 2019-Group Exhibition for Ocean Week in conjunction with United Nations
- Infinite Potentials, SciArt Center exhibition New York Hall of Science (New York City), in collaboration with the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute. September 8th, 2018 – January 13, 2019.
- Soiree Climat: agnes b et les artists se mobilisent pour l’ocean et le climate, Blue Ocean Pavilion for COP21 Oceans sur le Siene, Paris France Dec 2015
- Blue Ocean Film Festival, Museum d’Oceangraphic Monaco screening of “La Boheme: Portrait of Our Oceans in Peril”, Exhibit and toast with Tintinnid Champagne Glasses, Monaco November 2015
- Post Mortem, University of Ghent, Ghent Belgium 2015 (with screening of “La Boheme: Portrait of Our Oceans in Peril” and premiere of “La Mange La Mort Pour Diner…” for October 31st “NOCTURNE”
- Sense of Place, at Tatiana Pages Gallery, NY, NY October 5th-25th 2014
- Galleria Virgilio presents ‘Apresentando’: September 3 – October 4 Galleria Virgilio at São Paulo Brazil curated by Simon Watson 2014
- Fabrica Vitae, as part of Vesalius Continuum curated by BIOMAB, AEIMS, artem-medicalis, artist, a traveling exhibition Zakynthos Greece Sept 4th-8th, Karger Publishing Basel, Museum of Ghent Belgium June 12th- Sept 18th 2015, Berlin Museum of Medical History at the Charité Germany. The Stradins Museum, Riga, Russia 2016
- Geek Down Presents: New Biologies: 92nd St Y, NY, NY September 15- October 25th, 2012
- Earth Consciousness Solstice December 22nd, , curated by Japanese Artist Mariko Mori the Faou Foundation theme future projects for Miyako Island, in the Okinawa prefecture in Japan 2012
- “Art Researches Science “ with VILLANELLA , BIOMAB (biological and medical art Belgium), Antwerp Belgium, October 2010
- EnviorMedia Mobile, NYC, September 2009
- Encounters, Governor’s Island NYC, May-October 2010
- Current; Garrison Art Center, Garrison NY- 2010
- Figurative Lines, Governor’s Island NYC, May-October 2009
- Waterpod, July NYC 2009
- “Confronting Mortality with Art and Science.” Oct 2007 Antwerp, Belgium.
- New York Hall of Science, Queens NY, (permanent exhibition) 2005
- Touch and Temperature, Bitforms Gallery, New York, NY also at Deborah Colton, Gallery, Houston, Texas, 2004
- Muckenthaler Cultural Center, Fullerton CA, 2003
- Magnifiqué, Brooklyn, NY, 2002
- CAVE, Brooklyn, NY, 2000
- Terra Bomba Exit Art, New York, NY, 1999
- “Surf “,San Francisco Art Commission, San Francisco, CA, 1997
- “Way Cool” Exit Art, New York, NY, 1995
- “Gen X”, Christina Rose Gallery, New York, NY, 1996
- Wall Street Green Summit, 2021: Lecture on “Innovative Sustainable Solutions to Reef Restoration.” Haseltine was the first Artist ever to speak at this event.
- Explorers FLAG 75 returned with Honors, 2011
- Scholarship Aspen Institute Leadership Program, 2012
- Artist in Residency Tara Expeditions, 2010
- Artist in Residency University of Dublin for Microscopy, 2011
- Artist in Residency Imagine Science Films, 2012
- Human Genome Sciences Main Campus, 2001: First Place ‘The National Association of Industrial and Office Properties for Design” Competition
- Earthkeepers Handbook-heal the man-heal the land, wrote and illustrated chapter entitled “The Ultimate Recipe for the Urban Oyster Reef” for a compilation of artists solutions to climate change, published by Ecoartspace, 2023
- Nautilus Special Cold Spring Harbor Lab Issue Cover Art, Fall 2022
- Labocine Issue (#25) “EDIBLE CINEMA” online global publication August 2018
- Tara, the Dawn of Modern Exploration, Tara Expeditions Foundation, Paris France 2017
- BioArt, Altered Reality, By William Myers Thames and Hudson Press, London England 2015
- Making the Invisible Visible-Post Mortem Catalogue , Published by the University of Ghent, Belgium Essay August 2015
- Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration edited by Tom Goreau, CRS Press 2013
- Visual Culture and Bioscience (Issues in Cultural Theory) by Suzanne Anker, David Yager, and JD Talasek (Paperback – Jun 30, 2009) …
- Confronting Mortality with Art and Science, VUB Press, 2007
- Decoding Science Into Art, 2006
- Explorers’ Club Log, 2011
- Waltz of the Polypeptides: On the Making Of, 2003
- The New York Academy of Sciences, A New Perspective to Sustainable Reef Restoration Blog: with Lecture with marine Biologists and Haseltine along with walkthrough of solo exhibition Blue Prints to Save the Planet: 1 Coral Reefs A 20 year ‘retro- future-spective” of sustainible designs for coral reef restoration, shoreline protection, sustainability and eco-tourism using novel techniques which avoid plastic and concrete
- Nautilus Special Issue with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, “Biology and Beyond” COVER Fall 2022
- Maritima Blog, Our planet is facing a massive extinction once again, but for the first time we realize it. Interview with Mara G. Haseltine May 2020
- Wonderlust Travel, The Ethical Traveler Mara Haseltine makes beautiful art out of microscopic structures and is going to save our Coral Reefs May 2020
- CLOT Magazine, A Sculpture for the Age of Corona Virus Dancing the Line Between Art and Scientific Discovery (OP ED)
- Scientific Inquirer, Mara G. Haseltine: Environmentally Conscious Art Driven By Form and Function, September 3rd, 2019
- Labocine, ‘Spotlight’ for online interview with SciArt film archive which showcased two short films, May 2017
- E-Squared Magazine of Art and Science, Featured Artist, Issue 1 Autummus 2016
- Sci Art in America, Straight Talk Interview with the Artist, October 2015
- NPR’s Science Friday Blog: The Perils of Plankton May 17th, 2013
- Smithsonian Magazine An Artist’s Ode to Plankton, Set to Puccini’s ‘La Boheme’ March 27, 2013 The Scientist “Love Song for an Ailing Planet” March 15th 2013
- Le Metro March 11th, 2011 “Quand Le Plancton Devient Object d’Art
- The WIP : “Geotherapy Artist Mara Haseltine’s Blue Prints to Save the Planet” May 2010
- Culture Catch: Art as Geotherapy” September 2010
- The Design Observer, September 2010
- Roll Magazine: Vol 36 “ Current Diverging Studies in Permanence July 19-August 2011
- Putnam County News And Recorder, Oyster Island a Floating Sculpture at Garrison Art Center July 14th ,2010
- The Atlantic, The Green Salon: Water and Life May 26th 2010
- World Changing Guardian Environment Network, Interview with Mara Haseltine May 2009
- New School Free Press, January 2009
- Wired, July 2008
- The New York Times, July 2007
- Gothamist, July 2007
- Washington Life, Volume 69, Number 5, April 2007
- National Museum of Health and Medicine, Dec 2007
- Scientific America, German Edition, March 2007
- Going Coastal Magazine, March 2007
- Biology As Art, 2007
- Biome News, Singapore, December 2006
- Long Island Tribune, Habitat for Humanity
- Swiss Bioinformatics Institute, Protein Spotlight, December 2006
- Science Magazine, December, 2006
- Artnet News, October 24th, 2006
- Nature Magazine, Vol. 443, September 28th, 2006
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, December 2006
- The Straights Times, September 21, 2006
- Featured Artist for Art and Science Collaboration, October 2006
- Newsday, October 12th 2006
- Art Life Science (Brush With Science)
- Architectural Record, December, 2003
- Chemical & Engineering News, (Cover) July 28th, 2003 Sculpture Magazine, July-August Edition, 2003
- Washington Post, Style Section p. 1, June 25th, 2003
- Los Angles Times, “The Region”, January 15th, 2003
- Orange County Registrar, January 16th, 2003
- New York Academy of Sciences Residency and Exhibition of Work 2023-2025
- Tara Ocean Foundation – Artist in Residence- & Representative Feb 2011-current
- The Ocean Foundation– Advisor 2007-Current
- Honorary Advisor of the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY in Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC at the United Nations 2020-Current
- Ecoartspace– Artist Member 2021-Current
- Board of Directors BLUE Ocean Film Festival 2014-current
- Imagine Science Films: Artist in Residence 2012-13
- GENSPACE Member, A Community Based bio-tech Lab in Brooklyn NY-since 2011
- Village Community Boathouse– Member since 2010
- Art Researches Science “ARS”: Collaborator and contributor to the founding of an International Masters degree program in conjunction with the University of Antwerp, Belgium 2010-ongoing
- Explorer’s Club MR ’08, Member And Flag Awardee, A Global Organization devoted to, exploration of land, sea and air with headquarter in New York 2008-current
- NY/NJ Baykeepers– Collaboration 2008-Current
- Neuroculture, Global 2008-Current
- New York Academy of Science, Art & Science Lecture Series: Co-curator “Biology Two Worlds or One,” 2007
- Global Coral Reef Alliance, NY Representative at United Nations in conjunction with sustainable solutions for SIDS (Small Island States) and Contributing Member 2006-Current
- Sculpture Guild of NYC, Member and Contributor 2006-current
- “The Green Salon”, an Environmental Global Solutions based think-tank Founder & Co-organizer for NGO’s, policy makers and investors, Global July 2006-current
- Plankton Planet– Artist Collaborator Current