Musée Océanographique de Monaco
I could not believe it I had not been there since hitchhiking across Europe at age 18 and being once again submerged it in treasure trove of 19thc. marine specimins and art and actually exhibiting there was overwhelming! I realize my visit there has been informing my practice as an artist in a profound way ever since. I was once again star struck at the majesty and beauty of the building and collection….just as I had been the first time I visited.
Afterwards on a boat I took from the South of France I took this picture and the whole mind set of Monaco becomes clear it is meant as the ultimate port and the facade of the homage to the ocean that seem to grow like a delicate Mediterraneann barnacle from the cliff…IS MEANT TO BE VIEWED FROM THE SEA.
“In an fact Monaco is built to be experienced by sea Once you realize that all of Monaco begins to make sense.”-realization!

Musée Océanographique de Monaco from a boat 2015
“Built on the side of the mythical Rock of Monaco, the Oceanographic Museum has been watching over the oceans for over a century. Founded by the Prince Albert I, great grandfather of H.S.H. Prince Albert II, it was designed as a Palace entirely dedicated to Art and Science.”
Check out some highlights from the incredible collection below of marine specimens and art housed within its glided walls… I was once again star struck at the majesty and beauty of the building and collection….just as I had been the first time I visited at 18!

Above a stained glass Radiolarian chandelier this must have been embedded deep in my subconscious since the first time I saw it when I was 18 years old.
Below mega fauna skeletons … a school whale and cetacean bones floating in formation …

Above Life Sized Model of Giant Squid…
The Museum collection is astounding as well as its architecture boosting all sort of Victorian era aquatic treasures.
Below a Zombie Mermaid Skeleton?

Below Pre-scuba dive suit…

Mother of Pearl loot!